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Patty Elkus Joins APS Board of Governors. The American Polar Society is pleased to welcome Patty Elkus to the Board of Governors, whose name becomes synonymous with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography by virtue of her position on its . First Arctic Cargo Shipped Through the Northwest Passage. Arctic Wreck Found After 169 Years.
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists. APECS Canada - ASA Mentor Award. APECS - ICARP III Survey 2015. APECS-CliC-Where are they now? Polar Week March 2014.
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Annual and Season Runoff Change. Percentage Change in Mean Annual Runoff. Mean Annual Maximum Snow Water Equivalent for 1961-1990. Change in Mean Annual Number of Days per Year with Snow Covered Ground. Percentage Change in Mean Annual Maximum Snow Water Equivalent. Mean Annual Number of Days per Year with Snow Covered Ground. Mean Annual Maximum Soil Moisture Deficit. Change in Mean Annual Minimum Soil Moisture. Change in Mean Annual Evaporation.
The Arctic Transportation Interactive Data Map displays visual, geographical and descriptive information related to maritime and aviation infrastructure. Data has been collected from each of the eight Arctic nations. Additional layers have been provided by the Arctic Portal to further illustrate overlapping spheres of responsibility and capacity. Designed and hosted by ArcticPortal.
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Arctic Power on asiantunteva ICT-, energia- ja rakennusalan osaamiskeskittymä, jonka toiminta-ajatuksena on tuottaa älykkäitä ratkaisuja pohjoisen arktisiin olosuhteisiin. Monialainen älykkään elinympäristön kehitystyö palvelee alueen koulutusta ja elinkeinoelämää vastaamaan tulevaisuuden muuttuviin haasteisiin. Big Cities have the need to be really smart.
A place to keep you up-to-date on the most exciting thing to happen to winter hunting since ECWCS. Stay tuned, the APL Snow Ghillie is just the beginning. Friday, January 21, 2011. The Arctic Prairie Leopard Snow Ghillie. This is currently the most popular depiction of the capabilities of a snow ghillie suit.
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Click any of the links below to find me on other social media. The best place to see my most recent items is my Flickr. Farrell, Lee Dilley, Beth Foster-Hunter - The writers of Jobseekers. Lee Dilley, co-writer of Jobseekers, poses in front of the BAFTA mask with his partner Amber.